Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ideal Weekend....

A couple of weeks back, when I could not complete my work at office, I decided to bring some work home so that I would still meet my deadline while getting adequate rest. Little did I realise then that work is work, whether one does it at home or office. It requires the same amount of concentration and dedication irrespective of the place where it is done. And what I had brought home was some work for a project which was underway. I worked all saturday; was exhausted by the end of day. Strangly, I woke up on sunday morning thinking, "oh no, I have to work all day today". Soon I was irritable and was getting back at mom for silly things. At noon, my boss (btw, he's also one of my closest friends) called to check the progress. He said he had relaxed all day. That was enough to blow off all restraints in me. I told him that I was too worked up and wanted to relax.
On monday when we met at office, he asked not to never take any work home for the weekends. I realised then that he was hurt because of my revelation. I love my work and would go to any extend to complete it but then I also needed a break once in a while. On the other hand, he was hurt that it was I who had volunteered to carry the work home and here I was complaining.
Anyway, from that moment on, I have been thinking, what is my idea of an ideal weekend?
> Relaxing at home, watching movies all day (I have a huge of movies, english & hindi which I want to see).
> Listening to my favourite music all day long (a long list again).
> Reading & writing (anyone who has come to my home will vouch for the huge collection we have).
> Shopping (I can actually write a blog on "confessions of a shopoholic").
> Going out with friends.
I soon realised that I had not quite figured out what I wanted for myself during the weekend. I was what someone would call "jack of all trades, master of none". I wanted to do so many things during the weekends that 48 hours seems inadequate. I asked my friends what they do during the weekends, some slept all day while others were just hanging out with their boyfriends and fiancees....
What did I want to do? Maybe I will figure it out over the next couple of weekends.... :)