Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dr Kalam

Today is Dr Kalam’s last day in office as the President of India. As he completes his stint in office it is with a heavy heart that most Indians bid him farewell. This is because Dr Kalam changed the whole perceptive of the office of President. He made Indians realise what our country’s strength are and how we can capitalize on the same. To the senior Indians he was the medium of reinstating hope that the India envisaged by our great freedom fighters was indeed not far away. To the youth he was a motivation – a motivation to work harder, to follow one’s dreams and to make India a better place to live in. but what I liked the most about our President was the fact that he emphasized time and again that there is a need to groom the children because they are the future of the nation. Of all his interactions with different sects of people, the most interesting of them have the ones with the children. He interacted with them in manner which made the children think and develop into better human beings.

In this context I read an article by Mr Rajdeep Sardesai of CNN IBN. He has very accurately summed up the 5 year term of Dr Kalam. The link to the article is given below. Please do read the same when u find time. cya :)



Venkatesh A.R. said...

Kalam certainly has great vision for India. We cud say he's the first president who did justice to his post... But it's very unfortunate that, though his voice his heard, it cannot echo much to change the present day Indian scenario..

Unknown said...

I agree with u suj.Dr.Kalam came as a breath of fresh air to the youth of India who were otherwise disillusioned with the polity and a second term would have defenitely kept the momentum of vision 2020 going.Let's take a pledge that we will strive towards the goal he envisioned for us.